Hey its me, big bad dog. Im so cool and bad yeah. On this blog i will write things about what happens in my life, just like Stan from dog with a blog. He is my idol 💋


 Today was a very good day. I did some of my favorite activitys, like playing in the snow, drinking hot chocolate, and making snow angles. As i was in the middle of making some snow angles in my front yard, this UGLY cat came up to me and started trying to bother me. 😒 Ovbiously i had to show that stupid cat that they were on MY property, so i pushed them down the stairs. That should teach them not to mess with me... 😜 Anyways.. Ive been thinking about what i will get my family for christmas. Yes i know that it is Christmas eve, but i still havent been shopping yet. 😬 I have a very big family, 2 daughters, 2 sons, 2 wives, and a pet mole.. I know i have a CRAZZY life!! I was thinking of getting my daughters a few pairs of socks, my wives some flowers, and my sons a dirt bike. I will also get the mole a watering can for her garden. That is it for today!! i need to be ready for santa to come.. Do
wn below ive included some pictures of me and my family!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


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